Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wikileaks Takes Aim At CPC

It's nice to know that I'm not the only critical one.  The American government's Ambassador has apparently some interesting words for the Conservative Policy of late:

  • "they have used the crime agenda to great effect, making it an essential part of their 'brand,' in spite of the fact that they have not actually passed most of their proposed crime and security legislation,"

Written by US Ambassador to Canada, David Jacobsen.  He also said:

  • "The PMO apparently provided no explanation why it will end up waiting four months to enact its own sentencing credit law, but the delay has not prevented the PM from using crime — and the bill — as a partisan issue and to prep for imminent Senate appointments,"

The US Embassy also had this to say about the Senate controversy.

  • A leaked cable from December 2008 suggests that U.S. Embassy officials in Ottawa saw Harper's appointment of senators as "a major about-face for a PM and a party that long campaigned for an elected upper chamber. The cost of the eighteen new senators also conflicts with political messaging about the need for official belt tightening."

Take from it what you will, it is a wikileak, which some people deride as being nothing but contextless statements, but they were just recently released.  Also the later part of the cbc article and leak itself on Laureen Harper is just silly.

WikiLeaks takes Aim at Conservative Policy

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