Thursday, April 14, 2011

Afghan Records Won't Be Released

In a ruling today, the two judges overseeing the reporting of the Afghan Records controversy had decided that the reports will not be released before the election.

Richard Colvin, a Canadian Diplomat alleged in November 2009 that Canadian Armed forces handed over innocent Afghan detainees to be tortured.  In his own words:

  • "According to our information, the likelihood is that all the Afghans we handed over were tortured"
 The High Court of Wales in England later corroborated this statement, saying that Afghan torture methods were known, documented, and very real.

Harper at the time, that December, sought to prorogue parliament, and did successfuly despite widespread protests.  When Parliament returned in the next year, Conservative support had been shored up and the danger of a no-confidence vote had been lessened.

I think the question we should pose at this time is do we still think this is an election issue?  Obviously, these two judges who are presiding think it is not.  They believe that the findings of the report should have no basis on our electorate.

What do we as Canadians think?

If the issue found moral wrongdoing on the part of the conservatives, say in the form of intentional coverup, or even unintentional, would that alter the way you vote?

The CBC article regarding the Judge's decision.

This is an article released last week by the Journal about the Tory stance on the report.

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