Thursday, April 14, 2011

Conservatives Open to Releasing The Afghan Documents

In a somewhat surprising twist, the Conservatives appear to have redacted their stance on the Afghan documents and are also open to their release before the election.

At least that's what City Center Conservative MP Laurie Hawn says.  There is technically no official word from the conservative party yet, and Bloc Leader Duceppe says he hasn't seen the statement yet either. 

What do we think?  The conservative government's stance in the past has always been that to make public the knowledge and understanding of both the Afghan reports, and more recently the G8/G20 Summit documents would be to cause a widening hole in national security.

The response the NDP and Liberals have taken is that Canadians, not the government should be the judges of what is reasonable to preserve in terms of security, that autocratic governments often begin with sheltering their own 'people' for 'security' reasons.  Is this change of heart on one Conservative MP's stance a recognition moment that we stand precariously perched on a slippery slope of 'national security'?

The CBC News Article here:

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