Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jim Flaherty's Followup Comments on Summerworks

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty weighed in today with some followup comments to the breaking story across the nation about Toronto's Summerworks losing their funding.

His response?  "Don't count on it."

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summerworks Sees Funding Cut

Now obviously Globe and Mail is looking directly at the connection of Summerworks' presentation of Homegrown last year as the direct reason Summerworks lost its funding.  For those not in the know last year Summerworks, a curated festival for many artistic directors across the country presented Catherine Frid's play Homegrown.  Homegrown is a play about a woman's relationship (the playwrights actually) with the convicted terrorist Shareef Abdelhaleem, one of the so-called “Toronto 18”. Whether that's truly the reason or not...well